3 Fun (and Free!) Printable Multiplication Facts Games

Multiplication facts practice doesn’t have to mean just flash cards and worksheets. Your kids will love playing these free printable multiplication facts games. All of them are classic children’s games –but with a multiplication fact twist. 

These are 3 of my favorite games for helping kids master the multiplication facts. (Psst…you can download the game boards and printable directions at the bottom of the article.)

Multiplication Fact Bingo


  • Regular deck of playing cards with face cards removed
  • 1 Multiplication Facts Bingo game board per player, customized according to the directions on the bottom (Download your free printable game boards at the link below.)
  • About 15 small objects per player for covering spots on the board (dried beans, small blocks, etc.)

Object of the game

Be the first player to cover 5 squares in a row, either across, down, or diagonal

How to play

The dealer shuffles the cards and turns over the top two. Have your child multiply the two cards together and say the product. For example, if the cards are a 2 and 9, your child would say “18.”

Each player covers a square containing the product. Continue until one of you wins by filling in an entire column, row, or diagonal.

Multiplication Fact Yahtzee


  • 2 dice
  • 1 printable Multiplication Fact Yahtzee game board for each player. (Download your free printable game boards at the link below.)
  • About 15 small objects per player for covering spots on the board (dried beans, small blocks, etc.)

Object of the game

Be the first person to cover all the numbers on your game board.

How to play

On your turn, roll two dice. Multiply the two numbers together and cover the number that matches the product of the two dice. For example, if you role a 3 and a 4, say “3 times 4 equals 12” and cover a 12. If the product is already covered, play passes to the next player. The first person to cover all of the numbers on their game board wins.

Quick version

Have everyone play simultaneously with their own dice, as fast as they can.

Multiplication Fact War


One regular deck of cards, with jacks, queens, and kings removed.

Object of the game

Win the most cards.

How to play

As in the regular card game War, shuffle the cards and deal out an equal number of cards to each player. Players place their cards face down in a pile.

To play, turn over the top two cards in your pile and announce their product. For example, if you turn over a 3 and a 5, say, “5 times 3 equals 15.” Then the other player turns over two cards and announces their product.

Whoever’s product is greater wins all 4 cards. If the products are equal, play again. The player whose product is greater wins all 8 cards. Set aside the cards that are won.

Play until both players use up all the cards they were dealt. Whoever wins the most cards wins the game.

Download the printable game boards and full instructions.

For more fun games that will help your children master the multiplication facts, check out my book, Multiplication Facts That Stick!

9 thoughts on “3 Fun (and Free!) Printable Multiplication Facts Games”

  1. Sorry for the hassle, Heather! It’s very finicky on mobile, so perhaps try it on a desktop? If that doesn’t work, please feel free to email me at the contact form above and I’ll send it to you right away.

    Happy Math!

  2. I could not get the game boards to open on my IPad. I would love to have the Multiplication Bingo and Yahtzee’s game boards. Thank you.

  3. Hi Kate,
    Thanks for your resources. I am trying to download the multiplication games, the dot array and the L shaped cover but I am having no luck. Could you please email these to me?

  4. Hi Lauren,

    I’d be happy to! Click on the Contact page above (in the About menu) and send me a message with your email address and this list of printables, and I can get them to you.

    Happy Math!


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