How I Schedule Beast Academy, in 5 Steps

Beast AcademyWhen Beast Academy first arrived on my doorstep over a year ago, I couldn’t wait to see what made this curriculum so unique. As I paged through it, I felt both thoroughly delighted and completely puzzled. My son was immediately drawn to the graphic-novel-style Guide, but I wasn’t sure how to actually schedule the program so that he would learn the math.

Beast Academy is a wonderful curriculum, but the authors don’t offer much guidance on how to schedule it. The FAQ on the Beast Academy website provides some pointers, but the curriculum’s format makes it a challenge to plan.

Unlike other homeschool math programs, Beast Academy doesn’t follow a consistent lesson format. Some days you read the Guide, other days you don’t. Some Practice book sections are eight pages long, some are only one page. Some days, your child might spend half an hour working on one problem, while other days your child might whip through five pages.

It all ends up working out, but when you’re a box-checking, type-A mom like me, it can be challenging to schedule Beast Academy and feel confident that you’re on track!

How I Schedule Beast Academy

I’ve been using Beast Academy for over a year now, and I finally feel like I have good planning system in place. Here’s what I do.

Step 1: Preview the chapter.

At the start of each chapter, I do a quick preview of the Guide and Practice books. This helps me understand the chapter objectives and the big ideas that my son will be learning.

First, I flip through the Guide and then read the chapter’s table of contents closely. The leading questions below each section title are very helpful. They sum up the main point of each section and usually provide examples of what your child will be learning. (I didn’t notice these until 3C—I wish I’d noticed them earlier!) I also flip through the Practice book. I pay special attention to the last few pages of the chapter to get a sense of where the practice problems are heading.

Step 2: Map out the chapter.

Beast Academy does offer some guidance about how to line up the Guide and the Practice book. There’s a chart at the beginning of each chapter in the Practice book, and there are references to the Guide at the bottom of some of the Practice book pages.

These are helpful, but I feel much more confident in my teaching (and efficient in my planning) when I can see the connection between the two books at a glance. So, at the beginning of each chapter, I make a chart like this one.

Beast Academy Schedule

As you can see, the chart is nothing fancy (and a little messy!) But, I find that it helps me so much with my planning and teaching that it’s well worth the ten minutes it takes me to make it.

(The sample chart above is from chapter 3 in 4A. The secret to making a chart like this is to start with the Practice book, not the Guide book. First, I start by listing all the sections from the Practice book  in the right-hand column, along with how many pages long each section is. Then, I use the chart at the beginning of each chapter in the Practice book to match up the Guide sections with the Practice sections and list them in the left-hand column.)

Step 3: Schedule time, not pages.

Even after using Beast Academy for a year, I still find it hard to predict how long it will take H to finish a page. The starred problems usually take longer than the less-challenging problems, but not always! For example, the easy problems can be time-consuming if they require a lot of computations. Double-starred problems usually take a while, but sometimes my son has a sudden flash of insight and solves them more quickly than I expect.

So, since I can’t predict how long a page will take, I simply schedule a block of time for math each day. As long as my son is focused and working hard, I’m fine with however much he gets done. I do give him a general idea of how much I expect him to finish each day. But if he doesn’t finish the assignment in time, we just save it and continue on the next day.

Step 4: Mix up the difficulty level each day.

Math goes better at my house when there’s a balance of easy and hard work each day. If all the work is hard, my son gets tired and loses steam. But if all the work is easy, he gets bored and has trouble focusing.

This can be tricky when there are several easy pages or several hard pages in a row in the Practice book. So, I sometimes rearrange the order of the practice problems slightly. If there are a lot of easy pages in a row, I sometimes skip the last couple and then use them for warm-ups for the next few days rather than assigning them on their own. If there are a lot of hard pages in a row, I make up some straightforward computation practice (like multi-digit subtraction or multiplication) as a warm-up.

I also add math fact practice before each lesson as needed. Right now, H is working on speedy recall of the multiplication facts, so he does three minutes of reciting the multiplication table and drilling flash cards before working on Beast Academy each day.

Step 5: Consider finishing less than four books per year.

For my son, finishing all four books per year would be too much. He’s able to focus well and work hard on challenging problems for 20-30 minutes each day. But then he loses steam, and the quality of his work suffers. At this rate, he finishes three books per year rather than four.

Math isn’t a race. It’s much more important that kids learn the basics thoroughly and develop a love of math than rush through according to some artificial timetable. If you’re using Beast Academy, I highly recommend that you read “The Calculus Trap.” It’s a short article by Richard Rusczyk (founder of Art of Problem Solving, and publisher of Beast Academy) that explains the philosophy behind their “deep rather than fast” philosophy.

Happy Math!



55 thoughts on “How I Schedule Beast Academy, in 5 Steps”

  1. I agree its a challenge to figure out scheduling and pacing on Beast Academy. But partly because of how really good the books are. My son has been doing BA Afterschool with me for almost a year now. What a fantastic curriculum! I go easy on problems since he is in school all day and I really want him to get outsife and get exercise. We’ve settled into a rhythm that seems to work for us of reading the chapter after school and then doing problems together on Saturday morning. It means we go very light in the problems. Often we ONLY do the starred problems. But damn … They’re great problem sets. I can’t homeschool for purely economic reasons since I’m a wage earning single mom. But if I had one wish it would be that the school district would just plain adopt BA as their textbook. It would change my son’s entire relationship with school. Oh well … Not gonna happen. But he only has to survive 5 more years before he gets to high school and has access to real math classes..Poor little guy….

  2. I can see how the problems would be too intense after a whole day of school–that’s awesome that you’re doing them on the weekend! They really are terrific problems. The geometry in 4A especially blew me away. Now onwards to exponents!

  3. I’ve been intrigued by Beast Academy for awhile noe and just decided to try it for my daughter. She is almost done with Math Mammoth 3 and will be beginning the sections on fractions soon. I made when I’m afraid is a poor decision…I ordered BA 3D to try instead of the Math Mammoth section. Is it completely wrong to not go back and start with BA 3A? Only after I ordered from Rainbow Resource did I look more closely at the BA assessment for 3D. I don’t think my daughter could do the assessment without a lot of help. We’ve used Miquon as a supplement so she’s used to a bit of out of the box problem solving. And she is definitely not a kid who needs a ton of review (she does just over 1/2 of the work in MM, and probably doesn’t need that much). Thank you!

  4. If she’s done MM 3, the content in 3D shouldn’t be too much trouble for her. (And for what it’s worth, I think the Beast assessments are far harder than they need to be.) I’d say to give it a try and see how it goes. Two things to watch out for: 1) The first chapter of 3D (on fractions) is rather dry and one of the most traditional chapters in Beast, so don’t let it fool you into thinking the whole book is like that. 2) It can be hard to get used to the challenging problem-solving the Beast requires if the content is all brand-new, too. Her experience with Miquon should definitely hlep, but if your daughter is getting frustrated, definitely step back a few books and let her start by solving challenging problems with content she already knows, perhaps with 3A or 3B.

    Hope your daughter loves Beast! Happy Math!

  5. Thank you so much for your response! I really appreciate your including the two things to watch out for. It will be good to have those in mind going in. Thanks again!
    PS…I just have to say for the record, I blame the errors in my first comment on my eagerness to ask my question and on the size of my iPhone screen! ????

  6. Perhaps the best part of all our modern devices: all spelling and grammar errors are assumed to be due to auto-correct or mistyping on small screens!

  7. My daughter is in 3rd grade, and has finished Singapore 2b, 3a, and 3b already this year, as well as gone through Khan Academy 3rd grade and part of 4th grade. I would love to finish up the year with a little problem solving with Beast Academy. Would it be a bad idea to just skip to 4c, since she loves fractions?

  8. Wow, sounds like your daughter has had a productive year in math, Keri! I don’t think there’d be any harm in using 4C as a supplement. It should all be do-able for a child who’s done Singapore 3A and 3B. Be forewarned that the fractions chapters are unfortunately some of the less-interesting chapters in Beast Academy. But, the factors chapter and Integers chapters in 4C are great, so even if the fractions aren’t thrilling, you’ll still find some interesting problem-solving to wrap up the year.

  9. Hi, Kate! Thanks so much for sharing this. We used Singapore for our first year of homeschooling and I have no complaints, other than I’d love something that they could do more independently. My 1st grader completed 1A & 1B easily; my 3rd grader completed 3A & 3B w/ a high B average. she often needed help in the workbook exercises. She had switched from 2 years of Saxon math, so a lot was new for her. Would you recommend NOT switching my daughter, the rising 4th grader, to Beast since it would be 3 math programs in 3 years? Would you recommend starting at Beast 3A with her instead of attempting 4A? She definitely couldn’t “pass” the 4A assessment, although I understand it’s harder than it needs to be. Is Beast more student-led than Singapore? It sounds like it. I’m an English major and not very strong in Math, although I’ve learned a ton through teaching Singapore. I would love something that was student-led and included some independent work, all without sacrificing rigor. I’m just wondering if I would spend even more time helping them transition to Beast. In that case, I might as well stick w/ Singapore.

  10. Hi Sara! I think your hunch is correct that the transition to Beast would be a mom-intensive. It takes a while for kids to get used to the deep thinking that Beast requires, and you still need to discuss the lessons to make sure your child understands them. For me, Beast Academy and Singapore take about the same amount of time; the main difference is that the time is spent in different ways. With Beast, we spend time reading through the guide and discussing the problems at the stop signs. With Singapore, the time is spent in more direct teaching with manipulatives and the textbook examples. Some parents do hand off both programs to their kids, but I’m still leery of that at this age. It takes a very self-directed learner for kids at this age to monitor their own understanding and learning. My own nine-year-old would happily whiz through things without understanding them at all if he could get away with it! That said, Singapore will likely become at least a little more independent now that your daughter is used to the program and now that she’s moving into the upper grades.

    That’s fantastic that you feel like you’re learning more about teaching math through using Singapore. I see that as one of the real strengths of the program for homeschool parents. I’ll add that if you’d like to learn even more about teaching the Singapore way, I’ll be teaching a class on it at the Well-Educated Mind Academy this fall. You can find all the info here:

  11. Thanks, again! I think the only way for me to know is to order Beast Academy 3A, use it as our summer math practice, and see how it goes. I’ll check out the WTM class. God bless you!

  12. Yes, online samples are great, but there’s nothing like holding a real book. I’d love to hear if you end up deciding to go with it. Either way, 3A will be a nice review of Singapore 3. God bless you, too!

  13. We just finished Math in Focus Singapore 3a and 3b for third grade. I want to switch to Beast Academy for fourth grade. Should we start with 3a-3d, or go straight to 4a?

  14. Hi Lisa,

    I took a peek at the MIF scope and sequence, and I’d suggest starting in Beast Academy 3C. The chapter on variables in 3C is really foundational, and the fractions and area chapters in 3D will be much more in-depth than what MIF covered. (If you’re not in a rush, 3A and 3B would still have a lot of interesting math for your child, too. But your child probably has sufficient knowledge of those chapters to move forward in Beast Academy without trouble.)

  15. What curriculum do you suggest to use following the completion of Beast Academy 5 set? Thanks! And thanks for all your math resources and advice. I wouldn’t survive homeschooling without your support and web site.

    • Thanks so much, Cameron! I’m so glad to be of help. I’d recommend going on to Art of Problem Solving’s Pre-Algebra book. (Art of Problem Solving is the publisher for Beast Academy.) AOPS continues the high level of rigor and challenge that Beast Academy has, but be warned that it’s a lot drier (and with no Grogg or Winnie).

  16. Thank you so much for your post, it has totally helped give me some ideas! We start after labor day, and I’m curious, with your grid sheet outlining how many worksheets per section, do you have your child read the section then work on the coordinating worksheets, or do you have them read the entire chapter and then do the many worksheets based on what they remembered? Thank you so much!

  17. Hi Bree, I usually have my son read the section and then work on the coordinating worksheets (and even go back to the section if needed to review or clarify.) He loves to read the whole chapter in one go sometimes, but then I go back and talk through each individual section as we get to it. Even if he’s read ahead, I’ve found it’s still important to talk through the math and stop at the stop signs to make sure he’s really thought through the new concepts (and not just skipped ahead to the jokes!)

    Happy Math!

  18. My first grader hates Right start math I would like to start beast academy next year..any suggestions for something like beast academy to help finish out the year. Thanks!

  19. Hi Danielle, it depends on what he hates about RightStart. If he hates the games, how about downloading some of the Math Mammoth Blue series worksheets to give him some more practice with the first grade basics? They’re inexpensive and well-written. If he hates the worksheets, I’d suggest you just keep playing the games and building his number sense that way. And if you think he’d like more challenge, take a look at Primary Grade Challenge Math.

    Hope one of these feels like a good fit! Happy Math!

  20. I like Beast Academy and the thought process behind it. We are working on the 3rd grade series (I hate to call it a grade but more a level) with a 10 and 12yo I wish we all had learned math this way! (I struggle with wondering if it is too late for my 12 year old.) My issue with the program is I want more problems for practice. I had not learned math this way (I am now) therefore I have a hard giving them additional examples on my own and feeling confident that I can explain the solution correctly. Any ideas?

  21. Thanks for all the wonderful information here! We use Rightstart and it is working SO WELL for both my math inclined first grader and my nonmathy third grader. My kindergartener is doing 3 lessons per day in Rightstart’s 1st grade book, with ease. I am considering adding in Beast Academy for him. We probably won’t be able to do all of the Beast books each year. Would it be best to just pick a couple of the Beast books to cover over the year, or do them sequentially without worrying about matching up to the year (and Rightstart’s sequence)? If I select from the books, which should I use?

  22. Hi Jamie,

    Your K-er sounds like a prime candidate for Beast! I’d suggest starting the Beast 2nd grade book with him and taking them in order without worrying about matching them up. With my math-y kid, I found that Beast was an awesome fit for him, and so I dropped RightStart entirely. But they make a great supplement, too.

    Happy Math!

  23. Do you think there is any value in using just the guide books as a supplemental math? We are happy with our current math but my daughter who doesn’t see herself as good at math is amazing at problem solving and understanding the why. I think this may help her feel more confident that math is solving problems not just computing quickly. She loves to read so the comic book format would be awesome for her.

    • Hi Allyson,

      Absolutely! My daughter has enjoyed reading them on her own, even though she doesn’t use them for her main program. It sounds like they’d be a great fit for her, and I bet she’d enjoy reading about the different approaches the different monsters take towards problem-solving.

      Happy Math!

  24. Hi Kate,

    My son is just finishing up Singapore 2B. I was thinking of getting him some Beast Academy books to do for the rest of the year and maybe into the summer since he is finishing his Singapore so early. He loves math and Beast Academy looks like something he would really enjoy. I was think of getting a book in level 2 just so he has some more review of what he’s been learning but in a new way. What level do you think I should start off? I’m still planning to start Singapore 3A in the fall (I guess unless he really loves Beast academy then we might continue with it) Also, since I’m doing this more just to get practice in and make sure he has a good foundation not necessarily to teach new material. Do you think it would work to just go through some of the guides and skip the practice books?

  25. Hi Kristin,

    Regarding the level, you can really go either way: review material in Level 2, or move forward into 3A. Both would complement what your son has already learned in Singapore, so either is fine. Honestly, I’d look at the list of topics in each level and decide which you think your son either a) could most use some review or b) would enjoy the most.

    I wouldn’t skip the practice books. Instead, I’d pick just one guide withe accompanying practice book and work through the interesting problems thoroughly. Much of the fun and interesting math is in the practice books, so they’re well worth some time. (But do feel free to skip any pages that seem like simple warm-up exercises.)

    Happy Math!

  26. Hello Kate!
    Would you be doing a side-by-side comparison of your Math with Confidence series and Beast Academy? Two of children have been doing Beast Academy and it had been working well for us. I am open to changing my 3rd child to your math series, but would love to know the differences!

  27. Hi Joanna,

    If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! (Also, only the kindergarten level of Math with Confidence will be out this year, so I’m afraid it won’t be ready in time for your third grader.)

    Best wishes, and happy math!

  28. What is a good math program to do leading up to Beast Academy? What math program would prepare a child for Beast Academy? Since Beast Academy starts for ages 8, what is a higher order thinking math program yet solid number sense and math facts/literacy program? What do you do for PreK, K and 1st/2nd grade? And a side note, is Kumon a good prep for Beast Academy?

  29. Hi Kate,
    I am planning to use beast academy once my children are older as it sounds like such a great program. We are just starting kindergarten this fall, what do you suggest for younger students prior to starting Beast Academy?
    Thank you,

    • Hi Stacy,

      Honestly, just about any kindergarten and first grade math program will prepare your kids for Beast Academy’s second grade books. They all teach roughly the same content, and Beast Academy starts with the basics. My Kindergarten Math with Confidence, any of the Singapore programs, or RightStart would all provide an excellent preparation, so go with whichever curriculum most appeals to you and fits your family and budget.

      Happy Math!

  30. I know this is an old post, but I wanted to say thank you for writing it! Beast is the best math program for my children by far, but it is VERY difficult to schedule. You really helped me figure this out for our next homeschool year.

    • Oh! I just realized you are the FACTS THAT STICK author!!!! We love this series!!!!! We bought all four and they really helped my math-challenged child.

      • Jessica, thanks so much for taking the time to let me know! So glad that Facts That Stick helped your child, and I hope you have a ton of fun with Beast Academy this year.

        Happy Math!

  31. Hi Kate,
    Thank you for this wonderful review. We are new to homeschooling and would like to know if the on-line cost is worth it when you are using the books? Do you plan your week with use of the online program included? Are the books all you need? Thank you so much!

    • Hi Melissa,

      Yes, the books are all you need. (The online program didn’t exist when I used Beast with my son, so we used the books exclusively.) You definitely don’t need both.

      Happy Math!

  32. Hi, Kate. I have a question about Beast Academy levels. I have three sons I’m starting in Beast Academy this year: rising 1, 3, and 5th grades. I had the 1 and 3 grades take the assessments and if I follow exactly what BA says, they’d start in 2A and 3A (but scored a 100% on these assesments), but my rising 3rd grader especially can do multiplication and division with ease. It’s really just the geometry (perimeter, area, obtuse triangles) I don’t think he’s been exposed to yet. My 1st grader is very comfortable with addition, but not as much with place values, etc as it wasn’t taught in K. My rising 5th grader is at camp and can’t take the assessment and I want to order the books for starting now in the summer. He is definitely above grade level in math(scores in the 90-95% in state standardized testing for grade level) but hasn’t been exposed to some of the more complicated geometry and algebra concepts in Beast 4 tests, even. Would you suggest starting with grade level 2A, 3A, 5A, or would you scale back the rising 5th grade to level 4 and move up the 3rd grade to 3C? Thank you so much! -Katherine

    • Hi Katherine,

      I’d go ahead and start your kids in 2A, 3A, and 5A. There’s so much rich math and problem-solving in those books, and your kids will learn so much–even if they already know some of the underlying skills. (For example, here’s a problem from the skip-counting section in 3A: When Alex colors the multiples of a number in his 100 chart, he colors exactly two numbers in the 20’s, two numbers in the 30’s and two numbers in the 40’s. What’s Alex’s number? As you can see, it’s a lot more than just learning the skip-counting sequences.)Feel free to skip any workbook pages that are truly too easy, but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

      Happy Math!

  33. Hi Kate,

    My son completed the Grade 1 in public school, and he also did Singapore Math Intensive Practices 1A, 1B, 2A without going through the Singapore Math Textbook and Worksheet 1A,1B, 2A. He will be working on the Singapore Math Intensive Practices 2B. After completion of Singapore Math Intensive Practices 2B, will he have a good preparation to start the Beast Academy? What level would you recommend to start with, Academy 2A/2B/2C/2D or 3A? or Keep going with the Singapore Math Intensive Practices 3A and 3B to build more foundation before switching to Beast Academy? Thank you in advance,

      • Thank you for your advice, Kate.

        As you know, there are 2 types of resources to learn math from Beast Academy: 1) online resources and 2) hard-copy books (Guide and Practice books). which will be the best option for small kid to go, online or hard-copy books? or both?

        Thanks again for your time and many helpful resources on your homeschoolmath website.

        • I personally prefer teaching the lessons in-person with the hard copy books, since you can have in-depth conversations and promote deeper thinking and problem-solving with your student. That said, for families that feel overwhelmed (whether it’s by life in general, the math, or the pandemic), the online version might be the best option.

  34. Hi Kate,

    Thanks so much for the wealth of information on your website! I’d like to start Beast Academy with my rising 5th grader who has always used Math Mammoth and completed the 4th grade level without any issues. I notice that she’s great at applying rules to math but gives up far too easily when faced with challenging problems and then labels herself as “bad at math.” I think Beast Academy would present challenging problems in a way that she would enjoy, but after reading the recommendations and looking at the pretests I’m confused as to what level to begin with. I’m leaning towards beginning with 4A as it’s a new curriculum for her but would love your opinion. Thank you!

    • Hi Jodi,

      Have you taken a look at Beast Academy’s placement tests? They’re kind of hidden on their site, so a lot of parents miss them. You have to go to each book’s page, then look for the appropriate tab. I’d have your daughter do the placement tests starting at 4A and then see where she maxes out. Somewhere in Level 4 is probably the right place for her, but the placement tests will help you zero in.

      Happy Math!

      • Hi Kate,

        We are another covid family finding a good math support curriculum. My daughter has done BJU math from K-4th grade and is going into 5th. She has pulled A’s and B’s all the way through however despises how long it takes to do it each day. She always says she hates math and isn’t good at it…which lead me to researching “right brain math” approaches as she is more of an imagination and reading learner. Is there ever a time where you think it would be worth starting at the beginning to build a confidence and love for math? Do you think starting fresh on Beast Academy would be good for that? Maybe I should place-test her to jump right in? She is a finger counter, and struggles with math facts (Especially 6’s-9’s) which makes everything take longer and seem harder for her than her peers. I was also contemplating just peace mealing it and getting the books that support the math facts to build new approaches for that as a supplement of support for her moving forward with her class in BJU5.

        • Hi Lindsey,

          Since she’s counting on her fingers, some math fact remediation is definitely a good idea. Take a look at this brief article for ideas on how to integrate math fact instruction with a formal curriculum.

          If she’s been getting As and Bs, I wouldn’t recommend going all the way back to the beginning with whatever math program you choose. Definitely use a placement test to help find the right level for her. Once she has those math facts down, she may be ready to enjoy math and feel more confident at it.

          Happy Math!

  35. Hi Kate,
    Your site has been a lifesaver as I have been knee deep in considering math curricula for my 2nd and 5th graders – did I mention I’m a brand new homeschooler?! Truly thank you for taking the time to share the depth and breadth of your experience and knowledge! I love BA for all the reasons everyone has stated, but I’m also looking for an additional source that provides more straight forward procedural/visual breakdowns for algorithms (the “hows”) and additional practice problems since BA is so heavy on engaging the brain conceptually. I’m not necessarily looking for just drill worksheets that have little/no instruction (like found in Kumon workbooks). I was looking at the Singapore Math’s Intensive Practice series and liked it alot. Do you think it would work well to use these particular workbooks as a supplement to BA? I was not planning to use the main Singapore Math Primary Math instruction guide or workbooks, just the Intensive Practice workbooks. Maybe my real question is do you think the Singapore Math supplemental workbooks can act as useful supplements when Singapore Math is not the primary curricula and parents are not teaching the Singapore Math approach to kids per se? Do you think Math Mammoth blue series would be a better supplement for what I’m trying to do? I have a feeling we will need to have something to work on when kids get stuck or need longer time/days cracking a concept presented in BA and/or if they need more practice. I also want an alternate source of simpler instruction on algorithms that is not story-based to be able to reference. Hope my questions make sense! I appreciate your thoughts! Thank you!

    • Hi Kathy,

      I’m so glad that my site’s been helpful! Intensive Practice might be a little more than you’re looking for (in terms of the challenge level) and not have enough of the explicit instruction that you want. I personally prefer the Math Mammoth Blue series for that kind of work. The worktexts do a great job blending conceptual understanding with procedural fluency, and they lead kids step by step.

      Hope you have a great year!

  36. Thank you for your help with scheduling Beast Academy! I was trying to figure this out, and I’m so glad I came across your site. Very helpful.

  37. We heard about BA and decided to give it a try in summer with my now 3rd grader. I wanted her to feel comfortable with BA way of thinking,so started her on 2A and now she’s almost done with 2C. She’s just using online program till now. We read guide books on the topics she’s stuck while solving exercises. This probably worked because BA2 was more of a review of what she did with math in focus in 2nd grade.

    I am looking for help on planning BA3.

    a) Should we buy guidebooks (that way we can reduce screen time to a bit) and continue doing practice exercises online? How different are online exercises when compared to practice books?

    b) Does BA cover all the topics for state standards or should this be treated as a supplement for logic / reasoning way of doing math?

    c)Is there a curriculum / textbook that fits with BA we could use in parallel to cover state standards? we used math in focus for 2nd grade but are open to switching if there is anything else out there that aligns better with BA.

    • Hi Sirisha,

      Beast Academy is a full program and aligned with Common Core, so your daughter will be all set in meeting state standards. I personally used BA before the online version came out, and reading the guides and solving problems worked great for my family. I recommend it, especially if you want to reduce screen time.

      Happy Math!

  38. We are starting Beast Academy (and homeschooling) for the first time for 3rd grader and 5th grader. Both do well in Math and in CA we do Common Core which looks similar to the Beast Academy problem solving. However, I am struggling on where to start them. Beast Academy for examples says age 10/11 can start at 3, 4 or 5. I know it is by level, but not having much of a teaching background and I don’t want to start in a widely different spot than his classmates.
    Bascially, what is the range for a 3rd grader to complete during a school year? And what is the range for 5th grader to complete during a school year?

    • Hi Renee,

      Take a look at their placement tests to see where to start your kids. They have them posted for each book, and they’re hugely helpful in getting kids in the right level. Beast Academy recommends finishing 4 books per year, but I never managed to do more than 3 with my son. There’s just too much good math to do in them. 🙂

      Happy Math!

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